Placement Leads to Perfection
Age is a funny thing. In a short 18 days I will be turning twenty. To some this seems so young, and to others it seems a far away thing. But for me, well it just seems like a number. I have always struggled with the concept of age. In some ways I have always felt beyond my years, yet in other ways I feel so immature. How is it that a number of mere years, weeks, days, minutes, seconds on the earth is supposed to determine at what place you should be in your life? I suppose I'm an average 20 year old. I'm in college, pursing a career, right where I "should" be. So then why is it that I yearn for the years ahead?
I think that's one of the greatest lessons I am learning through college. Placement leads to perfection. That may seem like a confusing statement, so let me break it down a bit. God is the author of placement, and he is also the author of perfection. God knows far, far before and beyond my birth. He has always known that at 4:13pm on September 12, 2015 I would be sitting in my tiny dorm room at Waynesburg University contemplating life and typing my mind's musings on this blog. He has always known that I would be contemplating my story, His beauty, and why he has placed me where I am right in this minute. Let me further connect the dots for you. I have struggled a lot lately with this concept of placement. I have been told my whole life that God has a perfect plan for me, and I know this to be true. But why is it then that I find it so difficult to be content in the now? I recently painted a canvas with a favorite quote my mom has always told me: "Bloom where you are planted." I placed this on my wall as a daily reminder that I am not to be complacent and discontent where I am. Easier said than done. I often contemplate the future and long to know what God has in store for me. Will I truly be a missionary nurse in Costa Rica as I desire? Will I ever find a soulmate? Will I have a houseful of children? The questions could fill pages and pages of my journal. These worries and wonders are what lead to my discontent. I have made it my purpose this year to not only make it through the difficulties of nursing school, living on campus, and the many other worries I have on my mind, but to truly live in my "placement." This is where the perfection comes into play. Let me just preface what I'm about to say with this: I am not perfect and I am not capable of being perfect. So how exactly is it that my "placement" leads to perfection. Here's how:
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." -Ecclesiastes 3:11
Every single thing that happens in my life, good or bad, is being molded by God. There are countless promises of God making beauty out of the mundane. True beauty is found in perfection. But here's the key: "In its time." I cannot see now how my placement in life will lead to perfection. I cannot even begin to fathom that. But this is what I do know: Jesus is in my heart and I will one day spend eternity with Christ. Because of this, I am promised to one day come to completion and understanding (hint: this is that perfection thing I've been talking about). "Everything is made beautiful in its time." This means every single worry, every single situation, every single joy, every single hurt, EVERY SINGLE THING will be made perfect. And the best part? I get to see how all of the crazy pieces fit. Because placement will lead to perfection. I pray that I remember this daily, that when I am distracted by all of the worries and situations that college brings, when I'm tempted to think of age as a number and an obligation to live a certain way, I remember to truly bloom where I am planted because my placement doesn't have to do with all of these things, but with the beautiful story the Author of my life is creating. Lord, let me live intentionally, knowing that my placement will one day lead to perfection.
I think that's one of the greatest lessons I am learning through college. Placement leads to perfection. That may seem like a confusing statement, so let me break it down a bit. God is the author of placement, and he is also the author of perfection. God knows far, far before and beyond my birth. He has always known that at 4:13pm on September 12, 2015 I would be sitting in my tiny dorm room at Waynesburg University contemplating life and typing my mind's musings on this blog. He has always known that I would be contemplating my story, His beauty, and why he has placed me where I am right in this minute. Let me further connect the dots for you. I have struggled a lot lately with this concept of placement. I have been told my whole life that God has a perfect plan for me, and I know this to be true. But why is it then that I find it so difficult to be content in the now? I recently painted a canvas with a favorite quote my mom has always told me: "Bloom where you are planted." I placed this on my wall as a daily reminder that I am not to be complacent and discontent where I am. Easier said than done. I often contemplate the future and long to know what God has in store for me. Will I truly be a missionary nurse in Costa Rica as I desire? Will I ever find a soulmate? Will I have a houseful of children? The questions could fill pages and pages of my journal. These worries and wonders are what lead to my discontent. I have made it my purpose this year to not only make it through the difficulties of nursing school, living on campus, and the many other worries I have on my mind, but to truly live in my "placement." This is where the perfection comes into play. Let me just preface what I'm about to say with this: I am not perfect and I am not capable of being perfect. So how exactly is it that my "placement" leads to perfection. Here's how:
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." -Ecclesiastes 3:11
Every single thing that happens in my life, good or bad, is being molded by God. There are countless promises of God making beauty out of the mundane. True beauty is found in perfection. But here's the key: "In its time." I cannot see now how my placement in life will lead to perfection. I cannot even begin to fathom that. But this is what I do know: Jesus is in my heart and I will one day spend eternity with Christ. Because of this, I am promised to one day come to completion and understanding (hint: this is that perfection thing I've been talking about). "Everything is made beautiful in its time." This means every single worry, every single situation, every single joy, every single hurt, EVERY SINGLE THING will be made perfect. And the best part? I get to see how all of the crazy pieces fit. Because placement will lead to perfection. I pray that I remember this daily, that when I am distracted by all of the worries and situations that college brings, when I'm tempted to think of age as a number and an obligation to live a certain way, I remember to truly bloom where I am planted because my placement doesn't have to do with all of these things, but with the beautiful story the Author of my life is creating. Lord, let me live intentionally, knowing that my placement will one day lead to perfection.
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